Aqua Salveo

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Sold by: Ubalink Global

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Made In
South Africa
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South Africa

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Sold By
Ubalink Global
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The active ingredients in Aqua Salveo are minute traces of silver, zinc and copper that are safe for humans, but deadly to disease causing organisms such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, protozoa and certain viruses.

Silver a broad-spectrum disinfecting Bactericide that can significantly reduce the severity and length of almost any type of bacterial infection. Tests show that silver ions are toxic to all tested species of bacteria. Silver ions have also proven useful against many different infectious conditions and are non-toxic in its micro-concentrations.

Zinc works as an immune booster, enhances fertility, digestion, etc. It drives the manufacturing DNA, wound healing, maintaining a strong immune system to fighting colds, influenza, and other infections. The human body does not produce zinc on its own, so it must be obtained from outside sources.

Copper is involved in the maintenance of immunity and fertility. It is believed to play a role in preventing high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, oxidation of the cells and keeping cholesterol low. Copper is used by the body to manufacture numerous enzymes, many of which work as antioxidants.

It disinfects water within 30-60 minutes and you only need 3 drops per liter. The water will remain disinfected for 10 years and contains no chlorine and is odorless and tasteless. Aqua Salveo is South Africa Bureau of Standards (SABS) approved. The SABS tests show that 3 drops per litre makes the most infected water safe to drink within 30 - 60 minutes. After water is treated with Aqua Salveo, it will remain safe for 10 years in storage.

It is a concentrated liquid that basically needs to be diluted by adding 3 drops (0.09ml) to every litre of water for storage. It improves both the taste and quality of treated water. Aqua Salveo treated water does not require refrigeration and can be stored at room temperature.

The additional health benefits of the product are many and clear when considering available literature on the properties and benefits of Zinc, Silver and Copper. This makes the product Aqua Salveo ideal for ultimate health.

Suitable for

  • Disinfesting of drinking water during disaster recovery, floods and emergency situations
  • Home based care workers in situations where there is little or no water
  • Food industry to increase shelf life after rinsing in final rinse water
  • Agricultural industry (e.g. Water for plants and livestock)
  • Treatment of water that needs to be stored
  • Disinfecting and Sanitizing water fountains
  • Horticultural industry (e.g. Hydroponics)
  • Domestic drinking water for point of use
  • Industrial food industry
  • Travelers
  • Paramedics

Store in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. This water disinfectant has a shelf life of 5 years.

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