KSF Fun 4 in 1 Multifunctional Educational Activity Walker

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4-in 1 Multifunctional walker is also convertible to Activity Walker in these categories : A: Baby play seat: As growth is essential the seat transforms to an activity floor for free sit and play and it also introduces the baby to ABC, SHAPES and COLOURS. B:feeding seat: The Toy Bar is easily detachable and also easy to insert. C: Seat and play : The walker also helps the baby or ward to feel comfortable in it, to relax and have fun, but an Adult aid is required around your ward. D: Stand and walk: The 4 wheel walker helps steady the wards steps. The Ya Ya  Multifunctional comes with 4 modes, including the Entertainer mode, Feeding mode, Floor mode, Walker mode. Your baby can sit down and play with the toys and the toys board can be used as table when it is removed.  The 4-in 1 multfunctional walker can also convertible to activity walker in these categories.
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